
Industry insights, market outlook reports and commercial real estate
news, and trends from the Coldwell Banker Commercial brand.

Article 761 - 770 of 770
Mar 23, 2016

How to Appeal to International Clients

To best appeal to international clients, you need to have some understanding of the culture and conditions in the target country. Creating content that is accessible to international prospects may involve setting up a website in the native language, or at least providing a translation feature.

Mar 16, 2016

5 Smart Professional Networking Tips

The commercial real estate industry’s foundation is personal connection, and a big part of the day is occupied in reaching out to clients, colleagues, and competitors. The right contacts make a critical difference in our ability to identify opportunities and get the job done.

Mar 10, 2016

8 Commercial Real Estate Tech Apps to Download in 2016

In the CRE industry, conducting business on the fly is becoming the norm. Clients, colleagues, and competitors all expect more responsiveness and flexibility than ever before. Making use of mobile technology is a must, and there is no shortage of options.

Feb 25, 2016

Coldwell Banker Commercial Scalzo Group Starts Division for Medical Industry

An increased demand for medical offices has prompted the creation of Connecticut Healthcare Realty to create a team specializing in the health care sector.

Feb 24, 2016

CBC ranks high on annual CRE Lipsey Survey

Coldwell Banker Commercial is proud to announce that it is once again one of the most recognizable names in the commercial real estate industry, according to the annual Lipsey Survey. The 2016 Top 25 CRE Brands survey ranks Coldwell Banker Commercial 9th among CRE brokerages.

Feb 16, 2016

2015 Coldwell Banker Commercial Market Comparison Report

The 2015 Coldwell Banker Commercial Market Comparison Report ranks the top commercial real estate markets in the country. Download the report today to see where your city ranks!

Feb 3, 2016

Bigger Stakes in US REITs for Foreign Investors

Some of the U.S. restrictions on foreign investment in real estate were considerably eased at the end of 2015. This is likely to boost the already high volume of international CRE transactions in the coming years.

Jan 27, 2016

8 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Property Manager

Whether your property is a vacation home or a multi-family investment property, it’s likely that you will not be managing the day-to-day details yourself. Finding the right property manager can have a big impact on how your property retains its value, as well as how many headaches it may cause you.

Jan 20, 2016

3 Considerations When Selecting a CRE Brokerage

If you’re considering moving into a new brokerage, the first step is to find out what you can about the company’s goals and performance. This will allow you to eliminate firms that may be great at what they do, but don’t do the things you’re interested in.

Jan 6, 2016

Here's Where Businesses Want to Be in 2016

The economic recovery continues apace, and growth in some sectors has been very strong this year. Influenced by a wide range of factors, including everything from oil prices to interest rates to tech developments, economic growth and job creation help attract new businesses to metro areas.

Article 761 - 770 of 770